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Light in the Darkness Introduction

Light in the Darkness Trailer

Discover ‘Light in the Darkness,’ a compelling film trailer that delves into the courageous stories of diverse survivors, shedding light on their journeys through post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Produced by Conscious Content, this internationally acclaimed project not only provides support and education on mental health conditions but also aims to raise awareness about the pervasive impact of PTSD. Through heartfelt interviews, viewers are invited to witness the resilience and strength of these individuals as they navigate the aftermath of trauma.

While the film does not shy away from the immense hardships endured by the survivors, it also showcases their remarkable ability to rebuild their lives. Conscious of the potential pitfalls of focusing solely on traumatic events, the filmmaker ensures that ‘Light in the Darkness’ is both engaging and enlightening, offering a nuanced portrayal that resonates deeply with audiences.

Join us in exploring this transformative journey and amplifying the conversation surrounding mental health.

Director's Statement

Light in the Darkness: Living Well After Trauma is intended to generate awareness around post-traumatic stress disorder (PTS). We have had the chance to talk to a very diverse group of survivors brave enough to share their stories. I know people will be shaken to their core by what some of these people have been through, but also moved to tears by how they have continued to live after the tragedy. When we set out to make this film it was very important to me that, in sharing these powerful stories with the world, we would specifically avoid making purely “trauma cinema”; that’s to say, I did not want the movie to just be people telling the audience about the worst things that have ever happened to them. While this is watchable and entertaining, it does not help as many people.

Thus, while we included survivors’ stories to help bond the audience with these souls, it was important that we didn’t stop there. We wanted to leave the audience with hope in their hearts—either for themselves if they are suffering or for their loved ones. To this end, the film seeks to teach the viewer about the true nature of the disorder and that it has real, physically observable consequences for the body and brain. While making the film I was quite surprised to learn just how physical a mental disorder really is, and I think many viewers will be just as surprised.

It was also important to highlight the number of different paths that people can take to recovery. Most are familiar with the basics (such as therapy and pharmacology), but we quickly discovered that these are not the only solutions out there. We spoke with numerous experts, looking to highlight alternative treatments which could, hopefully, give people a starting point. The goal with this was to emphasize the fact that the most effective treatment is the one which you resonate the most with.

Upon screening this film, it is my hope that both survivors and their loved ones will understand post-traumatic stress disorder better and go on to be lights in the darkness of trauma for themselves and others.

In its entirety, Light in the Darkness aims to educate, empower, and enlighten. There exist many alternative medicines and ways to improve the reality of living with PTS, and this is one of the major messages of hope the film delivers. We share exciting new developments in research, alternative treatments such as brainspotting, and discuss how practices such as the martial arts can provide structures of discipline and mental strength. Furthermore, the values of music, family, support, and a plethora of other positive solutions are discussed as a means of encouragement for those suffering from PTSD. In doing this, the film aims to facilitate healing; both for those who are affected by PTSD as well as the people close to them.

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