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Water We Doing? The Global Mission to Clean Water


Water We Doing? The Global Mission to Clean Water

Discover the internationally acclaimed documentary, Water We Doing?, as it delves into the forefront of “blue-tech” innovations, addressing the critical water crisis facing our planet. As global populations expand, the demand for resources, especially water, grows exponentially. This feature-length film sheds light on the intricate challenges of providing fresh, clean drinking water globally, while grappling with the impending threats of climate change. The narrative unfolds through the lens of entrepreneurial startups and the insights of economic development councils dedicated to water-related innovations. Water We Doing? not only outlines the multifaceted hurdles faced in different regions but also underscores the urgent need for societal action. By exploring the journey of these pioneers, the film lays a foundation for viewers to contemplate the preciousness of water and the collective responsibility to safeguard this invaluable resource. Embark on a transformative journey with Water We Doing? as it follows the mission of clean-tech companies committed to eliminating PCBs and other toxins from the environment, ensuring universal access to clean water. The documentary unfolds the challenges faced by these companies as they transition from patent holders to planet-savers, offering a glimpse into their year-long struggle against the status quo. Clean water, the essence of life, becomes the linchpin for determining the sustainability of our shared future.


Director's Statement

With the planet getting warmer, water issues across the globe are on the rise. Water shortages, floods, and contamination, all threaten the water security of millions in America, and abroad. The only way to address these issues is with scientific innovation. With this film, we hope to educate and inspire. We had a number of goals in mind. The first was to give people a sense of the water issues our planet faces as a whole. Next, we wanted to give people a taste of just a few of the newest water technology startups that have emerged, and highlight some aspects of their journey, as well as some of the challenges they face. The startup world is not an easy one, but these amazing new technologies are inspiration to others who might follow in their footsteps. We also hope to present a conversation about the water industry itself, which tends to be slow to innovate. However, an ecosystem of water tech companies is also springing up, and innovation is becoming possible in ways that it wasn’t before. We hope that by sparking a conversation about both the past failings of the industry, and the possibilities ahead, we can create positive change in the water sector, and in the world. This film is in an appeal to current and aspiring entrepreneurs to take risks, follow their passions, and pursue their dream of innovation. New ideas, inventions, and discoveries, really can change the world.

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